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# Installation

To get started with Snowball, you need to install the Snowball SDK. You can do this by running the following command:

npm install @snowballtools/js-sdk

Once you have installed the SDK, you can import it into your project and start using it:

import { Snowball } from '@snowballtools/js-sdk';

# Import

To use the Snowball SDK, first obtain an API key by signing up on the Snowball website.

Once you have an API key, creating a snowball instance will look similar to the following:

import { Snowball, SnowballChain } from '@snowballtools/js-sdk';

const snowball = Snowball
    google: ...,
    passkey: ...,
    // etc.
  .withSmartWallet(...) // Optional
    apiKey: 'your-snowball-api-key',
    initialChain: SnowballChain.sepolia,

# Next Steps

To learn more about Snowball SDK itself, click the next button below.