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# General Usage

Regardless of which auth, smart wallet, and onboarding/offboarding providers you choose, your Snowball SDK usage will look similar to the following:

import { Snowball, SnowballChain } from '@snowballtools/js-sdk'

const snowball = Snowball
    google: ...,
    passkey: ...,
    // etc.
  .withSmartWallet(...) // Optional
    apiKey: 'your-snowball-api-key',
    initialChain: SnowballChain.sepolia,

Once you have this instance, you have access to several functions that will be useful for integrating Snowball into your application.

# Snowball.withAuth(...).create()

This is the main entry point for creating a Snowball instance. Options are:

  /** Your API key from your project */
  apiKey: string,

  /** The initial chain to use, e.g. SnowballChain.mainnet */
  initialChain: SnowballChain

  /** (optional) Whether or not to enable server-side rendering mode (generally YES if react) */
  ssrMode?: boolean

# snowball.chain

Gets an instance of a SnowballChain, which represents the current chain that the user is interacting with.

const chain = snowball.chain

# snowball.switchChain(newChain)

Switch to a new SnowballChain, which will be the current chain that the user is interacting with.

import { SnowballChain } from '@snowballtools/js-sdk'

const snowball = ...


# snowball.auth

Gets a mapping of the auth providers that are currently enabled.

For example, if you defined passkey: ... in the withAuth function, you can access the Passkey auth provider like so:

const passkeyAuth = snowball.auth.passkey

This value will be typed to the specific auth provider that you defined in the withAuth function, such as In-App Wallet Auth

# snowball.initUserSessions()

(Internal-ish) Only relevant when Snowball initialized with ssrMode: true.

Attempts to initialized any active sessions for the auths that were provided. Necessary to call at specific times when working with server-side rendering + hydration apps that must have equal html between ssr and first client render, such as Next.js.

# snowball.subscribe(callback)

Subscribe to changes in the Snowball instance. This is useful for updating your UI when the user's auth state changes.