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Getting Started
To get started with in-app wallets, first install the dependencies:
npm install @snowballtools/js-sdk @snowballtools/auth-embedded
Then initialize Snowball with the EmbeddedAuth configuration:
import { Snowball, SnowballChain } from '@snowballtools/js-sdk'
import { EmbeddedAuth } from '@snowballtools/auth-embedded'
export const snowball = Snowball.withAuth({
embedded: EmbeddedAuth.configure({
auth: { email: true }
apiKey: 'your-snowball-api-key',
initialChain: SnowballChain.sepolia
Then grab a handle to your auth (for convenience):
const auth = snowball.auth.embedded
Now you can check auth status, create accounts, passkeys, and login:
//=> 'initializing' on app load
//=> 'no-session' if no session is found
//=> 'waiting-for-otp' after sending an OTP, waiting for user to enter it
//=> 'authenticated-no-passkey' after user enters OTP and has no passkey
//=> 'wallet-ready' after a user has created a passkey
auth.state.loading //=> true if any state is loading
auth.state.error //=> any error that occurred
auth.wallet //=> a Viem wallet client if auth.state === 'wallet-ready'; null otherwise
auth.sendOtp({ email }) //=> send an OTP to the user's email
auth.verifyOtp({ code }) //=> verify the sent OTP code; signs the user in
auth.createPasskey({ name }) //=> create a passkey & wallet for the user
auth.login() //=> login the user if they already have a passkey
auth.logout() //=> logout the user
For a complete example of In-App Wallets, see the example app and its source code.